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Your product selection from Felicity Farms

Wagyu Beef, Full-blood, Grass-fed

$18.00 per pound

Whole or half carcass of full-blood, grass-fed Wagyu beef. 12-month nursed, free-range veal also available.

Pasture Raised

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About Felicity Farms

Felicity Farms specializes in organically grown, sustainable, heritage vegetables, fruits, nuts, flowers, honey, fish, eggs, and meat (Wagyu cattle, ju Australorp and Barred Rock chickens, goats, hair sheep, Embden geese, jumbo Pekin ducks, and guineas). Our two North Carolina farms were worked from the early 1700s by Quakers with original British land grants. The owners and workers fought in the Revolutionary War to win independence from England. The cemetery in the woods and the original tobacco barns are being lovingly restored to honor their legacy. The Criscito family has made these 120 acres their home since 2013. It is our dream to ensure that our family members, employees, guests, and neighbors can eat healthy, organically grown produce and meats year round. We have a lot of work to do before the farms are producing at full strength, so be patient with us. By the way, Felicity is more than a girl’s name. It means “contentedness” or “happiness”, which is our ultimate goal for everyone who touches the fertile earth of Felicity Farms.


Felicity Farms
2512 Brown Road
Hurdle Mills, NC 27541

More products from Felicity Farms

Wagyu Beef, Full-blood, Grass-fed

$18.00 per pound

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Whole or half carcass of full-blood, grass-fed Wagyu beef. 12-month nursed, free-range veal also available.

Pasture Raised

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